Effortlessly Manage Lottery Tickets with Our Lottery Management Software

We recognize the challenges of managing lottery sales and reconciliation. Blocks Lottery simplifies the process by allowing you to track sales, payouts, and inventory easily. This comprehensive lottery management software streamlines operations using a handheld device, lottery POS system, or the back office.

BlocksPOS lottery

Streamlined Loyalty Management for Effortless Lottery Sales and Reconciliation:

Many stores still rely on manual paper methods to reconcile lottery tickets, forcing cashiers to calculate sales and totals by hand. This data is often faxed to corporate, where someone has to check for overages or shortages and manually adjust the inventory. This tedious process is incredibly challenging, given the slim margins and high theft risk associated with lottery tickets.

Transparent Lottery Management and Reconciliation

While counts can be adjusted, corporate is always alerted to these changes and can view the original expected starting count. Optionally, over/short information can be displayed. Once reconciliations are saved, the data is sent to corporate, where necessary adjustments are automatically applied to inventory levels. Invoices can be generated automatically for any activated book(s). All variances are displayed, and reports can be generated using various options with the help of our lottery sales and reconciliation software.

Simplify Lottery Management with Advanced Software

With our lottery management software, tickets are logged and assigned a game number and bin before being sold through the cash register as usual. At the end of the shift, cashiers use a handheld device, POS, or the back-office system to reconcile sales. They input the ending counts, activated games, and details from the lottery machine. The starting count is perpetual, updating based on the previous ending count.

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